12 May Getting your Car Repaired Edison NJ
Nowadays it’s hard to know where to turn to when you need your car repaired. Especially since there is so many options from dealerships, big chain speedy lubes and independent repair shops. Whatever happened to the the neighborhood garage?
At Lou’s Edison Motors we strive to be that neighborhood garage of yesteryear while staying on the cutting of technology so that we can repair all makes and models and take care of your car or truck’s needs.
These drive through corner lube shop’s have no clue how to repair you car or truck and frankly have no interest in it. They want you to come in and pay for an overpriced oil change and to pay for air filters that you might not even need replaced. Beyond that, they really aren’t built to help you. Those type of places are the auto repair equivalent to a Mcdonalds or Burger King. Fast-Food repair shops and just like the food, their fast and convenient (sometimes) but when it comes down to it, they’re bad for your long term health.
Then of course there is the dealership route. Taking your car to the dealership can be a scary experience not only for you, but your wallet as well. If they can’t upsell you on unnecessary repairs then they’ll try to put you in a new car! They don’t want to help you as much as they want to hit the quotas passed down from their franchisee. It’s hard to trust these guys and trust is the number one element of our approach at Lou’s Edison Motors.
Lou is a local guy who has the residents of the Edison and Ford’s best interest at heart. He is a member of the esteemed of the Automotive training Institute and is constantly learning new ways to help his customers while sticking to those old school values that got him into the business over 25 years ago. If you live in the Edison, Fords or Woodbridge Township area and have a car, truck, SUV or Hybrid that needs to repair and get taken care just like the mechanic who took care of your family automobile when your were growing up.